Five Year Anniversary
There is nothing like an anniversary to make you reflect on the last few years. More important, a five year anniversary has special meaning to me, as it represents a time frame in my life when I have typically changed careers, moved to a new place, or picked up a new hobby. I follow fairly closely to the "Seven Year Itch" philosophy, with the exception that my time frame is five years.
This anniversary is different, however, as it is the five year anniversary of my marriage to my amazing wife. Unlike five year itches of the past, I have no urge to move, uproot or change wives. In fact, unlike anything that has happened to me in the past, I feel that after five years, this marriage is stronger than it was.
It helps that it doesn't feel like five years.
I am going to therefore use this benchmark in my life to make a few changes in my other life. I've always enjoyed writing, and now that I have an audience at Inc and Entrepreneur who will listen to my incessant ramblings about business and entrepreneurship, that which I enjoy and, for the most part, pays the bills, I would like to turn this blog back into what it was originally intended for ... an outlet for my personal and creative musings.
I don't anticipate getting a readership here, but that wasn't originally the purpose. I won't use pictures (unless necessary for me job my memory about something), and I won't follow the typical 400 word, bullet pointed format that we all demand of our blogs these days. My goal is to make this blog a diary of sorts, for me and my children.
I've already started to document my times with Yumbev, the startup craft brewery idea I hatched and have been working with Startup.SC to refine, and I will make it a more honest depiction of the trials and tribulations of startup entrepreneurship.
I will use this space to also curate some of the better stuff on the web I find. Again, in an effort to make it more entertaining for anyone who does chose to follow it.
So, happy anniversary to my wonderful wife. Tebya lyublyu!