MusicFri: John Williams
I'm sure I'm not that only person who has ever noticed the symphonic brilliance of John Williams, but conveying this to an eight year old proved to be a bit difficult. I tried to explain to my son that the bold sounds he was hearing, the very same ones that so clearly disseminating between "light" and "dark", were actually composed by a human being. That is, these notes, the tempo, the chemistry between the instruments and the the profound emotions the whole creates, were at one time nothing more than a sound in one person's head. These notes were written down on a piece of paper, everything from the selection of the instrument to the specific timing of every precussion beat and symbol, were at one time ... nothing.
One person, dreamed it up. One person wrote it down. One person created it.
John Williams. One of the greatest composers of a generation. Dare I say, of all time.
Of course, a conversation with an eight year old really couldn't get past imaginary light saber battles while the music coursed through the cabin of the car. I guess I'll have to wait a few more years until he can appreciate the work of John Williams.
Until then, here's some very preliminary psych-up music for December 2015.